Posts tagged Chris Pashley
Back to His Roots

Loading my three children into the car to take the oldest to school in the early morning is usually a pretty somber and quiet routine. However, sometimes my kids have the craziest conversations. Recently my daughter, who is five, asked, “What are we doing today?” This is a common question for her to ask, as lots of times she runs errands with me or visits friends. On this day, though, we were going to check out Marmilu Farms, a recently established farm in Jackson raising organic animals.

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14th Annual Ghost Tales of Jackson

As you stroll down the streets of Downtown Jackson this fall and enjoy the breeze and the changing colors, it is easy to dismiss the history that surrounds you. Of course we all know the popular history of Casey Jones and Rockabilly that hides in every corner, but lesser known is the spirits that roam our city. Yes, in the spirit of the season we are talking about ghosts.

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A Salute to South Jackson

In my first year in Jackson attending Union University, I rarely left campus except to go buy groceries at Wal­mart. I had no comprehension of the culture of Jackson. I knew where Hollywood Cinema was and would occasionally venture over the Interstate to Carriage House for a dinner when my parents were in town. Through all of these interactions I knew as much of Jackson as a person learns by driving down I­-40: that we have a lot a restaurants.

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