ABOUT public art
In 2024, the City of Jackson and Our Jackson Home, began a partnership to develop public art in Jackson and breathe new life into our public spaces.
Through our public art program, we’re laying the foundation for a more vibrant, connected, and culturally rich community, where artists take the lead on showcasing the stories of Jackson in our shared spaces.
Why is public art important?
Public art is vital to our community in the ways it tells stories and history, makes our city of more beautiful place, and makes art accessible to everyone.
Check out the resources link above on our Public Art website, or check out the City of Jackson's 5 year plan for Public Art!
Apply to be on the Public Art Commission - this committee is appointed by the Mayor to assist in the selection of public art installations in Jackson
Be a Friend of Public Art - Help us install new public art in Jackson, keep an eye out for damaged art, or help us celebrate new art installations. We’ll let you know every time there’s an opportunity to get involved via email!
Dr. Shawn Pitts, the City of Jackson's hired public art planning consultant, created a 5 year strategic plan for Jackson's Public Art.
Check out our Public Art Resources page for information about commissioning public art!
We’d love to know your ideas for future public art projects here.
Contact us and we’ll help connect you!
Visit our Public Art Projects Page, and be sure to subscribe to our emails for open project calls for artists while you’re there!
Let us know by email, and we’ll make sure it’s reported to the correct site owner!