Developing a Downtown Arts District

Featured in Vol 8, Issue 1: Jackson Grown

On April 5th, 2022, the Jackson City Council approved a designated Arts District for the City of Jackson. The large upside down "L" shaped map outlines areas of Downtown Jackson that include visual and performing arts locations. Arts and cultural locations include the LOCAL, the West TN Farmers Market,  the Ned, the Train Depot, the Carnegie, the Civic Center, the Jackson-Madison County Library, the New Southern Building, and features 12 current or in progress murals.

The map outline of the Arts District was created by the City of Jackson's Public Arts Commission. The Public Arts Commission is comprised of members appointed by the City Mayor which currently include City employees, local artists, and representatives from Visit Jackson and the Jackson Arts Council. Public Arts Commission members Andrew Boks, local artist, and Lizzie Emmons, Executive Director of the Jackson Arts Council, formally presented the Arts District proposal to the City Council in April that was unanimously approved.

The Arts District in Jackson is at its formative stages and already includes many areas where the arts are currently on display and are performed. By designating a formal Arts District, the City encourages enhancement of the arts and universal access to artists and cultural arts organizations in the outlined area. The Arts District will activate an inclusive environment that will foster creativity and vitality for the City of Jackson. The area is intended to encourage new and continued alliance with artists, musicians, creative organizations, events, and historic and cultural arts assets, and contribute to sustainable creativity and innovation within Jackson.

Access to the arts is critical to a healthy community. The arts are deeply ingrained into our humanity and our collective cultural experiences. Arts Districts help encourage walkability and social engagement in communities, as well as promote social equity and tolerance through mutual understanding and participation in the arts. Arts also have a significant economic impact. In the City of Jackson alone, the arts generate a total of $4.7 million in annual economic activity. Designating an official Arts District will encourage the continued economic activity by supporting adjacent businesses, such as restaurants, lodging, recreation, and retail, as people travel to the area to participate in arts and cultural activities.

Plans are underway to promote the new Arts District and encourage continued creation of art in this area of Jackson. The Jackson City Council's establishment of the Arts District will encourage awareness and appreciation of the arts, encourage exploration of a wide variety of cultural experiences unique to the City of Jackson, enhance quality of life and quality of place, and help preserve cultural and historical assets. This act of creative placemaking in our City opens many doors to funding opportunities, partnerships, and awareness of the arts that will significantly impact our community in a positive way. • Learn more at